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Bill Gates, Microsoft

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🇨🇿 | Leaders Uncovered: Pavlína & Anet, #HolkyzMarketingu

Další díl série Leaders Uncovered se nesl ve znamení skupiny #HolkyzMarketingu. Pavlína Louženská a Anet Martinek, které přijaly pozvání k živému vysílání, pomáhají spoluvytvářet místo, kde ženy diskutují o byznysu, technologiích, marketingu a reklamě.

🇨🇿 | 3 knižní tipy od Adri Lejskové

Společně s lidmi z redakce CzechCrunche jsme vytvořili knihovnu, která je plná knižních tipů pro váš osobní rozvoj, motivaci a inspiraci.

🇨🇿 | Budování týmu ve startupech očima Terezy Macháčkové

V CzechCrunch Shine si povídáme nejen se zakladately a investory, ale také odborníky z odvětví, která jsou úzce spojená se startupy. Tereza Macháčková je specialistkou přes HR, její zálibou jsou technologie a investice. Má velkou zásluhu na tom, že český startup Productboard během půldruhého roku fungování vyrostl ze 24 na 240 zaměstnanců.

🇨🇿 | 5 Minutes with VC Investor: Ondřej Fryc, Reflex Capital SE

Známý český investor Ondřej Fryc se s námi podělil o postřehy ze světa podnikání, investic a startupů. Internetový podnikatel vybudoval jeden z největších e-shopů v Evropě Mall.cz. Jako zakladatel investičního fondu Reflex Capital SE se podílel mj. na financování jednoho z nejžhavějších českých startupů Productboard, který má nakročeno stát se startupovým jednorožcem.

🇨🇿 | 3 knižní tipy od Jirky Svobody

Společně s lidmi z redakce CzechCrunche jsme vytvořili knihovnu, která je plná knižních tipů pro váš osobní rozvoj, motivaci a inspiraci.

🇨🇿 | 3 knižní tipy od Eriky Boucharechas

Společně s lidmi z redakce CzechCrunche jsme vytvořili knihovnu, která je plná knižních tipů pro váš osobní rozvoj, motivaci a inspiraci.

🇨🇿 | My Startup Story: Martin Fortelný, Co-Founder & CEO, Advanto

Martin Fortelný sbíral zkušenosti už při studiích a to na stážích v technologických startupech různých velikostí v Evropě i Asii. Jeho směřování do světa startupů definitivně rozhodla stáž v iPrice v Kuala Lumpur. Nyní působí jako CEO v českém Advantu, kde zodpovídá za celkový chod firmy, strategické směřování, vztahy s investory a nábor klíčových lidí.

🇨🇿 | 3 knižní tipy od Báry Třešňákové

Společně s lidmi z redakce CzechCrunche jsme vytvořili knihovnu, která je plná knižních tipů pro váš osobní rozvoj, motivaci a inspiraci.

🇨🇿 | Leaders Uncovered: Jana Tikalová, OPIM

Po krátké odmlce proběhl na našem IGTV další díl z oblíbené série Leaders Uncovered. Pozvání přijala úžasná Jana Tikalová, zakladatelka neziskové organizace OPIM, která má mnohaleté zkušenosti v oblasti byznysu a dobrovolnictví.

🇨🇿 | 3 knižní tipy od Michala Ptáčka

Společně s lidmi z redakce CzechCrunche jsme vytvořili knihovnu, která je plná knižních tipů pro váš osobní rozvoj, motivaci a inspiraci.

🇨🇿 | My Startup Story: Lukáš Krčil, Hedepy

V době, kdy jsme nuceni fungovat výhradně online, může být obtížnější vyhledat pomoc, pokud nás svazují úzkosti či deprese. Možnou cestou, jak si se situací poradit, jsou psychoterapie online. Tým mladých lidí ze studia Brain One usnadňují cestu k terapii skrz nově vzniklou platformu Hedepy. Dělají ji dostupnější, jednodušší a zbavují ji předsudků.

🇨🇿 | 3 knižní tipy od Kláry Horton

Společně s lidmi z redakce CzechCrunche jsme vytvořili knihovnu, která je plná knižních tipů pro váš osobní rozvoj, motivaci a inspiraci.

🇬🇧 | 5 Minutes with VC Investor: Dušan Zábrodský, Rockaway Capital

Rockaway Capital is changing the rules of the digital economy. We asked one of the investment partners from the Rockaway team a few questions about VC funds. Dušan Zábrodský has a strong knowledge of startup business and know-how of transformation strategies.

🇨🇿 | My Startup Story: Honza Emler, DOLLER

Představujeme vám zakladatele brandu DOLLER. Honza Emler a jeho tým vyrábí diáře k usnadnění plánování a rozvíjení kreativity. Kromě hlavního produktu Doller Diáře nabízejí i další nástroje a workshopy, které pomáhají již více než stotisícům lidí plnit jejich sny.

🇬🇧 | My Startup Story: Kate Pljaskovová, Fair HQ

Introducing the young Founder and CEO of an early stage startup Fair HQ. Kate Pljaskovová and her team have a clear goal: the platform helps companies embed diversity and inclusion into their practices and behaviours through data & scientific evidence.

🇬🇧 | Working For a Tech Startup Keboola with Michal Hruška

In this interview, we found out what it's like to work in a tech startup where data is the main topic. We asked Michal Hruška from Keboola about the advantages and disadvantages of this job and what people can expect from working in the technology industry.

🇬🇧 | Introducing Keboola with Pavel Doležal

Introducing Pavel Doležal, one of the founders of data operations platform Keboola. The platform helps clients combine, enhance and publish crucial information for their internal analytics projects and data products in a quick and easy way. We talked to Pavel to learn about the story of building his company.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: Digital Signature

Tips on how to automate your contract-signing process. These apps are often used for multi-factor authentication, mobile application security, fraud & risk management and electronic signature.

🇬🇧 | My Startup Story: Lucie Neumanová, Femme Palette

Introducing Lucie Neumanová, Co-founder of Femme Palette. The platform helps women advance in their careers by connecting them with personal mentors and offering resources for professional development.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: Virtual Banks

Looking for a way how to transfer money in a cheaper and faster way? These banking applications allow you to transfer money, check your balance, check account history, set security limits, invest in app, and more.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: Online Meeting

We live in a time where almost everything is handled online. That's why we bring you tips on applications that you can use for your business calls and video conferences.

🇨🇿 | Leaders Uncovered: Lucie Neumanová, Femme Palette

Lucie Neumanová přijala pozvání k dalšímu dílu Leaders Uncovered. V rozhovoru se nám mladá spoluzakladatelka svěřila se změnami, kterými si prošla ve svém osobním životě během uplynulého roku 2020. Mimo jiné jsme se dostali k fungování platformy Femme Palette v době pandemie.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: Finance Toolkit

These apps get your money into shape! Use these applications to easily create invoices, signatures and keep track of what is happening with your budget.

🇬🇧 | 5 Minutes with VC Investor: Tomáš Obrtáč, Enern

Venture capital funds are a much specific type of investment. Why is that so? We asked Tomáš Obrtáč, who is one of the partners of the Enern VC fund. He shared detail information about the investing in startups with us.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: SEO Toolkit

This is a list of popular SEO tools. Get all your SEO data in one place and grow your traffic.

🇨🇿 | Leaders Uncovered: Ondřej Krátký, Liftago

Hostem prvního dílu Leaders Uncovered roku 2021 byl Ondřej Krátký z technologické platformy Liftago. Úspěšný founder české business scény s námi sdílel dojmy ohledně uplynulého roku 2020 a ponaučení, které si z něj odnesl. Mimo jiné jsme se dozvěděli o nových směrech Liftaga, které se do budoucna plánují.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: Easy Mockups

There is a collection of free customizable mockups to beautifully present your design projects. Thanks to this, your presentation will not only be more attractive, but your client will better understand your brand.

🇬🇧 | My Startup Story: David Semerád, Kindest

What is it like to build a startup? We asked the young successful founder about his experience. David Semerád is one of the team of founders of the successful company STRV, now he is launching a new platform Kindest.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: Team Projects

We've found the best tips to help you focus on the most important things. You will focus on the tasks that matter most to you and your team. Your work will be better organized.

🇨🇿 | My Startup Story: Jakub Chvosta, Mindflow

Představujeme vám Jakuba Chvostu, mladého zakladatele společnosti Mindflow. Zeptali jsme se, co Jakuba a jeho kamarády vedlo k výrobě přírodních doplňků stravy a jaké jsou jejich nejbližší cíle v budování businessu.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: NoCode

We've discovered great apps to help you build your web. These tools give you the opportunity to design, build and launch great websites.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: Automatization

Do you need create complex workflows spanning across multiple apps? Connect your apps and automate workflows and empower your workforce with automated processes.

🇨🇿 | Leaders Uncovered: Jana Najbrtová, Seniorem s radostí

Minulý týden proběhl poslední online event roku 2020. Celý maraton jsme zakončili živým vysíláním Leaders Uncovered s úžasnou zakladatelkou Janou Najbrtovou. Sdílela s námi její životní cestu a příběh neziskové organizace Seniorem s radostí, která dnes působí na padesáti místech po celé České republice.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: Scrape It

Connect with anyone. Just select the elements you want from anywhere and these apps will get them for you.

🇨🇿 | Leaders Uncovered: Lubo Smid, STRV

V Leaders Uncovered, které vysíláme živě přes náš Instagram, si povídáme s osobnostmi české business scény. Rozebíráme jejich dosavadní osobní příběh a cestu, jejich úspěchy i selhání. Společně chceme sdílet a ukázat, že leadeři které známe, nejsou nadlidi, ale lidé s talentem, pílí a velkým nadšením pro to, co dělají. Tentokrát byl naším hostem Lubo Smid z STRV.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: Mental Health

Do you take enough care of your mental health? These apps will help you make your efforts even more effective. Nowadays, it is increasingly important to take care of the psychological aspect of human being.

🇬🇧 | Leaders Uncovered: Marie Salomonová, Nevypusť duši

Marie Salomonová is a biology enthusiast and founder of the non-profit organization Nevypusť duši. She went through a difficult journey growing up, which inspired her to help others. After graduating, she went to England, where the mindset of other people inspired her to begin to discuss the topic of mental health prevention in the Czech environment.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: Talk Like a Native

Do you need to improve your foreign language skills? These apps will always help you, and you won't get into an uncomfortable situation.

🇬🇧 | From our mentors: Vulnerability as opportunity to thrive, Adam Táborský

It is important to realize that the productive population is not currently losing anything. In inertial chaos, we can find our place of peace. With a justified but somewhat chaotic fuss, we forgot to pay attention to groups that are endangered under normal conditions. It might be beneficial for us to climb the mountain of coronavirus and take a good look around, see the whole situation from a higher perspective and realize that there are people who are currently suffering even more and we can help to improve their situation.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: Mind Health Tools

It is very important to think about our mental health. Our head and brain need time to rest properly. That's why we've listed some tweaks to help you. Are you looking for meditation music, rain sounds or perhaps a tweak to eliminate blue light? Check out the tips below.

🇬🇧 | My Startup Story: Chadi El-Moussawi, Terap.io

How does it feel to be at the very beginning your idea? We asked Chadi El-Moussawi, CEO at Terap.io, a few questions about his startup journey.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: Complete Your Tasks

We all know how to-do lists can help us. Do you want to create clear to-do lists and record your ideas? Stay organized. Stay creative. Stay focused. Download one of the following apps and be even more productive in your professional and personal life!

🇬🇧 | Leaders Uncovered: Jiří Diblík, Qusion

The second event from the series Leaders Uncovered happened last week, this time with the passionate traveler Jiří Diblík from Qusion. Jirka shared his story as a young leader along with the life lessons he holds dear. He also described his new project, which helps people to become more productive and take care of their mental health.

🇬🇧 | Startup Stack: Focus Tools

Need to focus more? Here are our top picks on how to better manage your concentration. Anything from music that perfectly tunes you in to focus mode or apps that makes it easier for you to stop procrastinating.

🇬🇧 | Leaders Uncovered: Kateřina Vacková, Loono

Last week, we introduced to you new event series Leaders Uncovered, where we discover the personal stories of Czech business leaders. The first host was Kateřina Vacková, the founder of the non-profit organization Loono. We talked about her early days as an entrepreneur, about her personal and work life, and how did her personal challenges direct her on her path into the leader Katka is today.

🇬🇧 | My Startup Story: Stanislav Richter, signageOS

What does it feel like to build a company from the ground up? We asked Stan Richter, CEO at signageOS. Stan told us a little bit more about himself and shared the story of signageOS, startup that recently raised 2 million dollars in their seed round.

🇬🇧 | 5 Minutes with VC Investor: Eduard Mika, Reflex Capital SE

In our next Investor interview, we spoke to Eduard Mika, Partner at Reflex Capital SE. Eduard shared with us the history of Reflex Capital CE, his insights about the investment process, and what are the key qualities they look for in their founders.

🇬🇧 | 5 Minutes with VC Investor: Martin Bodocký, Nation 1 VC

Meet Martin Bodocký, Co-Founder & Partner at Nation 1 VC. Martin shared with us his insights on the state of the VC world, Czech startup scene and tips on which skills should the Founder or CEO embrace during these times.

🇬🇧 | Before We Shine Again: Words we're sending to our startup friends

We collected a couple words of encouragement from our startup community. Enjoy!

🇬🇧 | From Silicon Valley: Jensen Weitzel

In our next From Silicon Valley interview, we talked to Jensen Wizel, the Managing Partner at Yabusame Partners. We spoke about the skills or characteristics that are most important for founders and Jensen shared his recommendations to Czech startup Founders.

🇬🇧 | 5 Minutes with VC Investor: Andrej Kiska, Credo Ventures

What’s going to change in the world of VC's during these times? We asked Andrej Kiska about his point of view on the current situation, the shape of venture capital and what he'd recommend to startup founders.

🇬🇧 | Our Startup Story: Michal and Václav, CzechCrunch

They've interviewed the biggest players from the Czech startup scene, published over 4200 articles and created a startup love brand. Now the spotlight is on them. Find out the story behind CzechCrunch and why they decided to become the main partners of our startup community Before You Shine.

🇬🇧 | My Startup Story: Matěj Matolín, Impulse Ventures

From corporates to startup and from startup to the world of venture capital. Find out Matej's journey to becoming one of the well-known Human Relations Guru in the heart of Europe. In this interview, we uncover how he got to the world of VCs, where he gets his inspiration and much more.

🇬🇧 | 5 Minutes with VC Investor: Petra Westerlaan Končelíková, Nation 1 VC

Meet Petra, Partner & MD of Acceleration at Nation 1 VC. Petra has been in business for nearly 20 years and has gained experience in many roles. She has established several companies both in the Czech Republic and abroad.

🇬🇧 | From Silicon Valley: Mario Herger

We talked to one of Silicon Valley's great mentors who's been close to the startup scene for over 10 years. Find out more about Mario's story and his advice to Czech entrepreneurs.

🇬🇧 | My Startup Story: Jiří Třečák, Supernova

Learn about the inspiring story of Supernova from its creator and CEO, Jiri. Supernova it the first Czech startup to get to YCombinator, the world's most famous startup accelerator.

🇬🇧 | 5 Minutes with VC Investor: Pavel Jiránek, Credo Ventures

Did you ever wonder what's it like on the other side of things when it comes to raising capital for a startup? Meet Pavel Jiránek from Credo Ventures. Credo Ventures focuses sourcing and working with the most talented and ambitious founders in the CEE region.

🇬🇧 | Our Startup Story: Linda and Tomáš, SNUGGS

SNUGGS is a Czech startup developing period-proof underwear. Read their startup story and find out how successful you can be at disrupting a market nobody wants to talk about!

🇬🇧 | My Startup Story: Alex Ilyash, DaVinci TS

Alex is this years' one of the talented 2019 #30under30. We asked him about his career, what he loves about being a CEO and what would he recommend to other entrepreneurs out there.

🇬🇧 | My Startup Story: Dominik Hádl, Nodes

For our first interview with a fellow startuper we reached out to Dominik, Technical Director at Nodes, an amazing app agency setting the highest standard in Europe.

🇬🇧 | My Startup Story: Ondřej Krátký, Liftago

For our first interview with a fellow startuper we reached out to Ondra, Co-Founder and CEO at Liftago, a Czech mobile app through which you can order a quick pickup with licensed taxi drivers.

🇬🇧 | Great places to work from in Prague

We went around and asked out community about the best places to work from in case you don't have an office or maybe you are looking to get out of one. For those who don't feel like spending a lot of money for an office we have great news, we found over 10 amazing places for you to try out!

🇬🇧 | Top 3 books by Daniel Vach, Co-founder of SENS Food

Welcome to our very first Book Club inspiration by our startup community. We asked Dan, one of the Co-founders of SENS Food to tell us a bit more about his inspiration.

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